Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alex J. Cavanaugh - Giveaway SPECTACULAR!

My cool friend Alex J. Cavanaugh is having a contest on his blog for the next two weeks! He just announced it yesterday. The prize is a copy of his upcoming science fiction novel, CassaStar, and, as Alex puts it, "a big feature here for the winner."

You should get right on over there and check it out! Click here to check out Alex's blog entry for the contest, complete with all the details!

And in case you're wondering about CassaStar, here's the book trailer! Take a look at this!

I can't WAIT for this book to come out!

Congrats on the 200 followers, and the upcoming release of your novel, Alex!


L. Diane Wolfe said...

How did I miss this?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey, thanks Miller!!!

Hannah said...

I know! I can't wait either!!

Jemi Fraser said...

It's going to be great!

Unknown said...

Wow! *runs over to Alex' blog*

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Alex is cool. I will be reading that.