Flying a kite. Listening to the new Murder By Death album, which I just got yesterday. Grocery shopping. Doing laundry. At the beach, starting a campfire. Walking through the woods. Visiting a waterfall. Reading a Stephen King novel. Organizing my sock drawer. Cooking steak sandwiches. Having a beer (or three). Watching a movie. Playing with my cats. Talking about the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek ships, and debating which ones are more awesome. Painting. Building a bookshelf. Swimming in my parents' pool. Exploring an abandoned house. Going on a Zorb. Memorizing all fifty state fish in alphabetical order. Doing important research on leftover Easter candy. Rocketing into space to visit the space station. Cleaning out Jeff. Learning sleight of hand. Finding incredible new movie trailers to watch. Talking about which Hobbit was coolest (Samwise has my vote). Picking strawberries. Taking a nap. Climbing trees.
But most of all, I'd rather be...

What about you? Got something you'd rather be doing? Is your RESPONSIBILITY getting in the way of your CREATIVITY? I know how you feel, friend.
LOL oh no not at all! I've been neglecting SOOOOO many responsibilities lately. Bugger it. They can wait! Hmm, lucky I don't have kids to feed ...
I need to get my butt in gear and get moving for the day. I have no excuses today. I'm just a slug.
I feel your pain. I'm back to work Monday after Spring Break and I'm dreading it. I've been dreading it since break started.
But speaking of other things I should be doing, the laundry and dishes are calling my name. :)
You must be stuck at work. That's when one thinks of all the things they'd rather be doing....I am doing exactly what I want to do right now. (Don't hate me because I'm happy lol.) Sitting in my pajamas, drinking diet Coke, in an empty house, discovering new blogs to follow and thinking about a post I want to write about the dearth of women's fiction. Well, you did ask...
I'm with you on the ferry to Okracoke Island. I haven't been there for 40 years when I was footloose, fancy free and my hair color was truly natural. Just let me know which boat you want to be on and I'll join you. Happily. Cheers!
Um... no... I've been letting blogging get in the way of my responsibility. :) Though I do need to finish up taxes today and would much rather spend it outside enjoying the amazing weather!
I have been neglecting certain things to concentrate on writing this past week and what's more I'm enjoying it. I don'thave to account to anyone, my children are all married and have lives of their own , me? I'm a free spirit,
Enjoy your week-end.
Oh, that sucks. Organising your sock drawer? Eeee, that is hard-core!
Hopefully you'll get a spate of good writing and that will make you forget socks and such, as well as annoying jobs!
I am struggling to refrain from pointing out how cool you sound from your list of things you'd rather be doing and asking you to be my friend. 'Cause that would be weird, right?
Luckily for me I am currently living the dream and have no responsibilities to worry about. However I will gladly join you on the bandwagon of not being a millionaire getting in the way of my creativity (unless you secretly *are* a millionaire in which case I *really* want to be your friend). The millionaire funded creative things I would rather be doing include going to Paris (and writing and drawing, of course), trolling the internet for and buying my own house so I have somewhere to *be* creative and going back to what is apparently 'the largest art store in London' and wringing that mother dry.
- Sophia.
My husband is out of town for the weekend so my only responsibility is the dog. She got her walk this morning and I'm settling with a cup of coffee, my balsam fir scented candle burning and will be entering the forest shortly. I get to shirk all duties for the weekend (though I suppose at some point I will have to clean, throw some laundry in and have the fridge stocked by hubby's return just so that he thinks I didn't just sit here all weekend). It's grand. But I spent all week doing real life stuff - dentist, teaching humane education, visiting a home for trouble teens with my therapy dog, cleaning, cooking, all stuff that had to be done but I would have rather been WRITING as well!
B ... your blog (or rather reference to Ocracoke) inspired my post today. I gave you credit via link to "I'd Rather Be ...".
Please let me know if you prefer I remove it. I am grateful for the jog of the memory. It was a magical, if not infamous, day in the history of this Steel Magnolia!
Cheers, Allie
Weekends the BANE of my existence is CHORES. Laundry, bathroom cleaning, chauffering... though I've successfully alienated my children well enough that at least they don't sleep here very often [/only half kidding]... I would ALWAYS rather be writing. A PERFECT weekend day includes a 90 minute power walk, a VERY long shower/bath (get clean, then bathe and plot a little), about 3 hours computer time for the blogs and social stuff, and then writing.
Erm... you might wonder where my husband and children are. I'm happiest when I do too... *cough*
Seems I have YOU to thank for a couple new blog readers--a few have mentioned you specifically, so I THANK YOU!!! (whether they were sent intentionally or not)
How is it that my own personal deadlines stress me more than real ones? Great post. I'd like to be flying a kite about now also.
I vote for Samwise as well! :D
When you get home from work, check out my Saturday post and you'll see what I did. I would much rather be writing. At least I wouldn't be so sore.
I have a M-F job, so no complaints - especially since you're slaving on a Saturday night.
And I'll take the side of the Star Trek ships.
Samwise for sure. Probably the Trek ships - although I do love the Millenium Falcon!
Very nice post. I'd love to go Zorbing. Have you ever done it? My son visited New Zealand and did it there. He had a blast! I would also enjoy exploring an abandoned house. You have LOTS of cool ideas for things you'd rather be doing. Thanks for sharing!!
Oh goodness, so many "responsibilities" got in the way of what I'd rather be doing this week. Especially writing.
I will be at the Outer Banks in 6 weeks (yeah!)
And Samwise Gamgee is most definitely the coolest hobbit ever.
And I am still trying to carve out time to read The Stand (I'm thinking it may have to wait until vacation at the beach)
I have M-F job but this weekend I brought some work home. I'd rather be writing too,
...M-F job. Just finished allowing my oldest son yet another opportunity at hitting my curve ball. No such luck:) ...later tonight, kids to bed and Dad on the keyboard.
Sure--there's so much I'd rather do when responsibility comes to call. But I spent this past weekend at the beach with friends, so it's kind of hard for me to relate right now. Most day,s I'd be right there with you!
Thanks for coming by my blog, btw. Glad to have you there!
Oh gosh! I'd rather be doing so many things. :) Fun post!
I love your list. The kite reminds me of when I've gone to Ocean City, MD or Hampton Beach, NH and the kite stores have all those kites up at the beach.
Writing always tops my lists. I'd rather be sitting in a grassy park, the sun warming my skin. I'd rather be riding my bike on empty path as fast as my legs will take me.
I'm listening to my iPod now, so I can't complain.
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