Oh, I hear you... Ugghhh... What's so happy about Monday, B.??? Believe me, I'm having a hard time convincing myself there's occasion to be enthusiastic. But there is. First off, it's Yvonne's and Ellie's birthdays today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ladies! Head over there and wish them a happy birthday today if you can.
Secondly, I will be announcing my FIRST EVER blog contest very soon! I am very close to hitting 100 followers and I want to do something to celebrate. (I'm also within rock-throwing distance of finishing the first draft of my WIP novel, so that'll be part of the party too!) Make sure to check back here this week for an important contest announcement. I'm very pleased about my idea for a prize and I think y'all will be too.
Also, I don't know about your neck of the woods, but South Carolina is having one of its gorgeous pre-summer weeks... perfect temperature, bright blue skies, green everywhere, a soothing breeze... you can't ask for much better weather than this. It'll be hotter than the law should allow in a few weeks, so I'm doing my best to appreciate what I have right now.
I guess that's my motto at the moment... appreciate what I have now, because you don't know how long it will last. I took a couple of days off from blogging last week to get my head straight after losing a close friend, and after spending some time doing a lot of serious thinking, what I keep coming back to is a feeling of gratitude. Gratitude for the people I know, the friends I have, my ability to lose myself in my writing. Yesterday, Mother's Day, was an exercise in gratitude for my family. There are so many things to be grateful for and I am trying to recognize each of these things and rejoice in them. One of those things is YOU, my friend. I love my blogging community and am so glad I'm a part of it. You guys keep me going! Thanks for all that you do.
My music-related feature for Music Monday this week is this video from Billy Joel. It's an old song but a great one. (I can't believe this song is almost thirty years old!) I was thinking about it last night because of all the ridiculous CRAP I gotta get done this week. "Real-life" stuff at the Clark Kent job, mostly, but there are other things that have to get done too. But I'm refusing to buckle under the PRESSURE... I'm trying to use it to my advantage.
That's it for Monday. Hope you have a fantastic week, friend!
We're a little chilly here in the Piedmont but the sun is shining so I'm not complaining. I hope you get to do all the things you need to get done so you can relax at some point. Glad to see you're up and about.
Wow a few people have said how they need to appreciate the moment today. I think something's in the air. Have a great week! Look on the bright side, Monday means another weekend is looming :)
This blogging community is the best! And we ARE here for you! I'm glad you're having nice weather - that's always a good boost! Have a great Monday. :-)
Thank you for the comment and the mention on your blog,
Like Shannon says we bloogers are like family and there is always someone here.
I wish you well with your blog competition,I'm sure you will do well.
Take care.
I like you motto. We all need to stop and think about what we have and really appreciate it. Very inspiring post. Thanks for the reminder.
Thoughts in Progress
Yay Billy Joel. If they'd just add his music to Guitar Hero, my kids would know him as well as they do Pat Benatar, AC/DC, Kansas, and other greats from my childhood.
I'm sorry to hear about losing your friend. Remembering to be grateful of the times spent and what you have now is the way to a peaceful heart, for sure.
It takes music sometimes to see how fast life is going. Thirty years since the BJ song first released? Wow!
If I wake up, then it's a good day! And we're having nice weather here as well.
I remember that video - Billy being eaten by a shag carpet. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
Yay for Monday. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the moment :-) Sometimes I forget...
I'm so sorry about your friend. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day though and you're right, we always should appreciate what we have right *now*.
You just gotta love Mondays.
Can't wait to hear more about this blog contest!
We couldn't agree more. We are so thankful for everyone we have met on this journey! Happy Monday and we can't wait to check out your contest!
Love Billy Joel! Great song.
I totally agree - the community of writers is incredible. :) Take care of yourself in your busy week.
I figured you had probably already passed 100 followers, but I'm sure you'll hit that milestone in the next few days (if not today). You've gained quality readership, that's for sure.
Gosh, "Pressure" nearly 30 years old? I remember seeing that video on MTV when MTV actually played music videos all day. Billy Joel did some great stuff.
May 17th Fifteen Fantasy Island Favorites
I'll look forward to your contest. So exciting to hit that 100 milestone!
What a great attitude! And how exciting to be nearing 100 followers and finishing your rough draft - congrats!
Yes! Blue skies. Words on a page. Perfect glass of wine. Thanks for the reminder to breathe and take it all in.
Congrats on your WIP and your followers!
Great post and great vid. Congrats on your followers and I can't wait for your contest. :)
So far it seems like a pretty good Monday! Happy Birthday too your peeps!!!
Awesome on the 100 followers! I can't wait to see the contest is!
The weather here in Houston has been warm but nice, I'll take it this is nothing compared the humidity I'll be experiencing in the next coming months!
Love Billy Joel! Thanks for remembering me today!!! I am thrilled for you; your contest sounds pretty exciting~
So, sweet of you to add me to your
Happy Monday! When is your birthday?
Congratulations on nearly having 100 followers!
My Monday wasn't bad... for a Monday.
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