Last week my friend the Watery Tart tagged me in a little questionnaire and I wanted to go ahead and get the answers out there. Sorry for the delay, Hart!!
Question 1 - Where were you five years ago?
1) Living and working in Indianapolis, IN
2) Writing a few short stories here and there
3) Learning the importance of family
4) Missing my home in South Carolina
5) Finding out everything there is to know about commercial lighting
Question 2 - Where would you like to be five years from now?
1) On a book tour!
2) Not working the Clark Kent job any longer
3) Writing my third (or fourth) novel
4) Living in the South
5) Preparing for my 40th birthday party (it'll take months to plan, ha!)
Question 3 - What is (was) on your to do list today?
1) Working at the Clark Kent job
2) Writing a blog entry
3) Soldiering on towards the end of the WIP MS
4) Laundry... so much laundry!
5) Bowling with a couple of friends this evening
Question 4 - What 5 snacks do you enjoy?
1) Does delicious beer count??
2) Devil's food cookies
3) Mint Oreo fudge cremes... these are ridiculously good
4) Pistachios
5) Sopressata salami and fresh mozzerella
Question 5 - What would you do if you were a billionaire?
1) Pay off my family's houses, cars, and any other debt
2) Start a grant program for Southern writers
3) Create a new publishing house that's open to all genres
4) Buy a movie studio and make my own films
5) Travel all over the world
The other half of this little game is tagging five people to keep the questions going! Here are my tagged blogfriends:
Mel Chelsea of Caledonia Lass
Curtis and Shane of Mooks in the Movies
Lola Sharp of Sharp Pen/Dull Sword
Falen of Falen Formulates Fiction
Theresa Milstein of Substitute Teacher's Saga
Also, I was given a blog award last week by Laura Marcella of Wavy Lines!

Alex J. Cavanaugh
Simon C. Larter
Beth Revis
These guys are awesome and if you don't know 'em yet, try to take a minute today to check 'em out!
One more thing... 99 followers!! As soon as I hit that hundred mark I'm announcing a blog contest! YEAH!! Check back soon for more details!
Congrats on the award!
And I ask: what are devil's food cookies!? They sound amazing!
oooh, a contest!! I can't wait!!
Congratulations on the award, well deserved.
Hey, thanks Miller!!
Congratulations on your award.
I think you're making a good choice trying to get an agent. You can always try other avenues as time goes on. I'm thinking of setting up a blog to serialize a manuscript. There are different options out there.
Since you have a Clark Kent somehow I now equate you with Superman.
Congrats on your award. And soldiering on with the WIP.
Congratulations on the award and being tagged.
Thoughts in Progress
Congrats on the awards and the almost 100 followers! Can't wait to see what your contest will be.
Congrats on the award. :-) Oh, gosh, just ONE more person. I'm sure by the end of the day, you'll have that follower. :-)
I have yet to read yesterday's blog. I have to catch up!!
Thanks for tagging me. ;) And congrats on the award. I'll leave my other comment for yesterday's post over there. :D
Yay! Great answers! I'm really glad you played! And ABSOLUTELY beer counts, if it's FABULOUS beer (micros only, plzthx)
Great answers! I haven't heard of those Oreo cookies! I'll have to scout them out :)
Congrats on the awards!
Nice award, Congrats! I haven't seen those Oreos, are they new?!
Fun post~
Aaaah! Now all I can think about are mint oreo fudge cookies!
Thanks, good lady! If you saw my handwriting, you wouldn't think I was a Superior Scribbler--just a scribbler--but thank you!
And delicious beer totally counts as a snack. My wife's fave is a combo of Chocolate Stout and Banana Bread Beer. She swears by it. :)
I'm sorry I've been away so long...busy. Stressed. ( you know the drill)
CONGRATS on the awards, love! Well deceived. You ar eon of the most dedicated, prolific, interesting bloggers I know. :)
THANK YOU for tagging me! Unfortunately, I was tagged a couple weeks ago, and did that post last week. ( I went with double stuff Oreos, BTW;)
I'm glad you're still plugging away on your novel.
You know how to reach me if you need any help.
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