Sometimes, I still imagine what it would be like to have some x-ray specs. Imagine what it would be like to... hey, stop being naughty, I didn't even get to finish my sentence!
As writers, we have a kind of built-in x-ray vision, don't we? We see through the top layers of the mundane to the fabulous items underneath. Using the x-ray specs of our imaginations, we have the ability to observe pretty much anything we want. We can see through reality, and use it as fodder for our wild imaginations. We can turn any person, any situation, any object we see into something that isn't quite as it seems.
Now, I want you to imagine you've got a pair of these on your face right now. Look around the room. Can you see the intricate wiring in your computer? What about the energy flowing out of the power socket, up the power cord, and into your PC? What does the inside of your desk look like? Look through your walls. See any mice?

Look at your hand... you can see right through the thin covering of flesh to the bones and tendons beneath. You can do this; you've got a great imagination. Your x-ray specs are built in, remember? Look at the veins in your hand, the way the smooth panels of muscle are knit together. Cross your index and middle fingers. See the X your bones make?
Let's look through the mundane world today and see what we find. How much can we uncover to put into our work? Use your imagination, friend! I give you full permission to pretend you are ten years old today. What will you see with your mental x-ray specs?
Awesome idea!! I love the thought of walking through your day with the x-ray imagination going. We writers are a weird bunch, aren't we? LOL! :-)
Oh my gosh you and I had the same idea last night, luckily I changed mine at last minute!!! At least as writers we are crazy together!
That is a great twist on x-ray glasses my friend.
And it won't be hard to pretend I'm ten again...
A fun analogy. I too, as a kid, always wanted those specs for ... well you know why. They seemed so cool. Then at the last job I had, where I was manager for nearly 20 years, that was one of the items we distributed-- I had 100's of them and they were so cheesy. I would have been so disappointed if I had ever really gotten those as a kid. We distributed many items like that-- some which I did have when I was a kid and some I had wished for.
I think the writer's "x-ray glasses" are far more useful.
May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post
I'd love to have x-ray vision... except on the Tube. I'm not sure I'd want to see what's underneath a lot of those suits, urgh! But other than that, it would be great!
I could sense the writer coming out in you with this post. A wonderful imaginative write and good to read.
Have a grand day,
Great post and wonderful idea!
It's unfortunate that today my boss is sitting across from me, and in addition to being in a bad mood, she is wearing some kind of X-ray immunity shield, thus creating a visual block on the outside world - and forcing me to gaze at her brooding scowl :-)
Great idea for a great post. :) Congrats on making it through the challenge.
Awesome post! Great way to use the letter X. I imagine that's probably the hardest letter? You'll have to let us know which letter was hardest when the challenge is over in two days!
What Fun! Thanks for your great imaginative idea. It gave me permission to be even weirder than I already am!
Great post and idea! :)
X-ray specs would be a trip! I think it would be cool to see everyone as skeletons, the ultimate common denominator!
you're right. As writers, we do notice a lot more and have an innate curiosity for the oddest things.
Great analogy! Those glasses are cool - and just a little creepy! :)
Ha, Imagination is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Maybe it would be fun to ask a ten year old what he thinks he would see with them? I may ask my greats when I see them next week in Texas, then write about it?
Great post! Ruby
I'll admit it. I started thinking x-ray vision and boys...
I'd like the power to fly. I don't know why because I'm afraid of heights. Maybe I wouldn't be afraid of heights if I could fly.
Fun post; I wanted those eyeball glasses that fall down like slinkies.
You are right, creative people observe things differently. We process them and save random bits to use later on. It is a collection of things, that attract our attention. I think I am going to start a journal like this. My X-ray glasses journal, odd observations, by me. I tend to have a lot of intuitive moments that give me insight. Sometimes I wish I didn't. Thanks~
What a brilliant idea!!!
I normally use my x-ray specs to see what people are like inside, but I'll put it to different use the next time I use them.
Great connection back to writing! I think sometimes the hardest part is deciding the depth at which to stop penetrating when we communicate what we see. it's such a careful dance: keeping the reader intrigued and wanting more because you've revealed HINTS at what is under there, but not the key stuff. (I tend to be a bit of a flasher, then have to go edit some of it out--this can hardly shock you...)
Well played with the 'X', B!
That was actually quite fun. My husband thought I was nuts, looking at fingers while crossing and uncrossing them, but I've been weirder.
Fun post.
What an eye opening (forgive the pun) post. I'll take your permission for that for sure!
Trying to see past the surface and the ordinary is a primary task for writers. I like your idea of x-ray glasses. It gives me another tool to use when I am trying to dig deep and go beyond the mundane.
I love the x-ray specs that being a writer has given me. Inspiration is EVERYWHERE. I love that I've trained myself to see it.
Hey Miller! Missed you the past couple days.
Me again - I've tagged you over at my blog today :)
X-Rat specs. LOL! When I was a kid I ordered a pair with a bunch of Bazooka Joe bubble gum wrappers. I was disappointed. Couldn't see through anything with them.
Stephen Tremp
Thanks for all these wonderful comments. I really appreciate reading every one of your thoughts and opinions.
And Alex - thanks so much, my friend. Had to take a couple of days for personal reasons. I'll be back soon, either today or Monday for the A to Z mega post. Don't you worry. :)
What a great analogy!!
Having just seen HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, I'd add that you can also look at how things are *different* from how you supposed them to be.
I have never looked at my imagination as wearing x-ray specs. What a great concept! Just thinking that I am wearing them, makes my imagination more vivid with detail, and in 3D! Great work with the letter X!
Excellent "X" post! We writers do need to wear our X-ray glasses, don't we? I think today I'd like to see into an agent's mind and see what exactly they want in my query letter! :)
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