Now here we go, right out of the gate, with one of the best movies in my list. Did you know I was a Star Wars nut? Oh yeah. I literally quote Han Solo's lines in my sleep (or so I've been told). This is my favorite of all the Star Wars movies. It's so important to the rest of the story - this is where Han and Leia fall in love, this is where Luke learns the real importance of the Force and how to manipulate it, this is where we meet Yoda, this is where we learn Ben can contact Luke from beyond the grave, this is where we find out so much backstory... and, of course, this is where Luke gets the end-all-be-all ultimate who's-yo-daddy mind f*ck. Amazing.
This is an epic climax to one of the best movie trilogies ever made. It's my favorite of the three and it doesn't disappoint. There's more than one breathtaking battle between the forces of good and evil, and the results are always satisfying. My favorite character of the LotR trilogy, Samwise, has some of the best lines in this movie - although I do love his monologue at the end of The Two Towers on perseverance and faith. This film completely immerses you in the fantastic universe of Tolkien's imagination.
This is one of the best road trip movies ever made. A completely dysfunctional family comes together to take the youngest member (Olive) cross-country to California so she can participate in the Little Miss Sunshine beauty contest. In the course of their journey, they experience death, defeat, disappointment, self-doubt, anger, shame, betrayal... but at the end they realize that their love for each other is what keeps their family strong. Touching, funny, sad, and beautiful. It's a wonderful film with a great ending that will leave you smiling. If you haven't seen it yet, you should really check it out.
A lot, I mean A LOT of people didn't like this movie, but I loved it. I enjoyed Spike Jonze's take on the classic tale, and I am a Wild Thing purist. (I mean, seriously. Max is probably the only thing I would ever tattoo on myself. I AM the King of the Wild Things, baby! LET THE WILD RUMPUS START!!) Yes, there are parts that are sad and scary and confusing... but isn't that what childhood is? When I went to see the movie in the theater, it changed my perception of the outside world. Walking back out into the fall sunshine, everything looked wondrous and crazy and awe-inspiring... just like I was a kid again. Now that's a good movie.
This movie, along with greats like The Goonies, TRON, and Explorers! shaped my childhood. I can still quote most of the lines of this movie (but probably not in my sleep, ha!). As Grandpa says, " has everything: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..." Westley and his beautiful Buttercup love each other more than anyone in the history of the world, and their love is put to the test time and again throughout this tale. This is a story of true love and how it never dies. Pirates, swashbucklers, beautiful girls and torturous fiends are all part of this high fantasy masterpiece.
I'm a huge fan of Mel Brooks, and this is my favorite of all his movies. It stars Gene Wilder, Teri Garr, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, and the amazing Cloris Leachman. There's also a cameo from Gene Hackman! The movie is filmed in black and white in a spoofy nod to all the classic black and white horror movies out there. In this movie, young Frederick Frankenstein learns he's been willed all the properties and research of his grandfather, Baron Von Frankenstein. He gets more than he bargained for when he moves to the castle in Transylvania and picks up the loose ends of his grandfather's work. This movie is a fantastic comedy!
A brain. An athlete. A princess. A basket case. A criminal. Grouped together one cold Saturday morning at Shermer High School in Shermer, Illinois, on March 24, 1984. By the end of the day, they find out that they are each in their own way a brain, an athlete, a princess, a basket case, and a criminal. And they like it that way. I was a little young for this to have shaped my high school experience (it was released a full ten years before I graduated), but it's a movie anyone can identify with - who doesn't know what it's like to be alienated? It's a great thing when people can put their differences aside, even for a day, and recognize that we're all human.
Much like the Star Wars movies, the Indiana Jones trilogy was a huge part of my childhood. Last Crusade is my favorite of the original trilogy (let's not mention the recent fourth movie, shall we?) and the presence of Sean Connery as Henry Jones - Indy's father - is inspired. There's so much chemistry and dynamic action onscreen during this movie, it's impossible to be bored by it, even if you've watched it a dozen times. The ending is satisfying, and we learn a lot about Indiana Jones as a character in this movie - where he comes from and what really motivates him as an archaeologist, and more importantly as a person.
"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. Makes you wonder what else you can do that you've forgotten about." So says Lester Burnham, played by Kevin Spacey, in this beautiful tale of the last months of a man's life. Lester realizes - not a moment too late - that he's been sleeping through his life for the last two decades, and he decides to change things up so he can figure out who he is again. By the end of the movie, he's found himself... but the rest of his family is having problems dealing with who he's found. This movie won a crapload of Oscars for a reason; if you haven't seen it, please do yourself a favor and give it a try.
I am a huge fan of movies that make you go "WHAAAAAAATTT?!?!?!" and this one is perhaps the king of those films. Donnie is a troubled teen who is in counseling for his "problems" - mainly, the onset of schizophrenia. He begins having visions of someone in a strangely deformed rabbit suit - visions that tell him the world will end in less than a month. As the month progresses Donnie learns about time travel and how it can be achieved on Earth. The two concepts collide with so much force at the end of the movie, you may need an aspirin before it's all over with. Regardless, it's beautifully shot and will really make you feel something at the end. What, I can't say. I just know that it's something.
Fight Club
Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.
This movie, based on Chuck Palahniuk's book of the same title, is violent, gritty, thought-provoking, and has another one of those "WHAAAAATT?!?!" moments at the end. There's an undeniable theme of empowerment here, and it's impossible to ignore. By the end of this movie, you're asking yourself why YOU know what the hell a duvet cover is. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt star with Helena Bonham-Carter in one of the most influential movies of my generation. I really love this one.
This is a movie about a storyteller and the incredible life he's lived. We learn about him through his stories - all of which in one way or another are tall tales - but through everything we are able to see the good heart of the man in the center of all this amazing fantasy. It's also a story about fathers and sons, and trying to reconcile the hurts of the past and make them into something which strengthens us before time runs out. Funny and heartbreaking, magical and dreamlike, I promise this movie won't disappoint - especially to all you writers out there.
Well, there you go, guys. Hope you liked the list... if you'd like to know more about any of those movies, click on the links provided and you'll go right to their entries on the Internet Movie Database. Thanks so much to Alex for hosting this blogfest! This was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to reading everyone's take on the challenge!
A great selsction Mary, it's so hard just to pick 12.
Have a good day.
Some good choices there. None that match mine because I'm only doing movies older than 20 years. But there are some reallly good films on your list.
Tossing It Out
Excellent choices! Empire is above and beyond the best of the Star Wars movies and Return of the King the best of that trilogy. The Princess Bride just missed my top twelve and I went with Raiders instead.
Glad you could participate!
I enjoy so many of your choices! I loved Young Frankenstein when I was a kid, but I haven't seen it in years!
You have picked too many of my favorites. Donnie Darko, Star Wars, Princess Bride, Young Frankenstein, Lord of the Rings. All of them are awesome.
Great pics.
Nuts... We've got a couple that ACTUALLY overlap, and you've got another 3 or 4 that ALMOST made my list. The only ones NOT in common are the couple I haven't seen, so they are definitely going on my list!
If you are ever feeling an intense bout of geekiness, I wrote a 'fan fiction challenge' where we were supposed to Potterfy' a movie and I did Breakfast Club (rather impressively, as fan fic goes):
A good variety! I choose LOTR, too. And Donnie Darko was such a brilliant film.
Great selection of movies. The Princess Bride seems to be a big hit.
Thoughts in Progress
I haven't seen all of the movies on this list, but those of them I had, I mostly liked. Reading what you wrote about Donnie Darko makes me realize I need to rewatch it. It is one of those movies everyone keeps talking about and I don't really get the buzz. I usually like movies that make you go WHAAAAT? (excellent description), so I should like this one...
Oh my, this is an impressive list. I'd go with several of these. Definitely Princess Bride - fave movie of all time. Loved Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I think I can quote all or most of The Breakfast Club. Yep, really great list!
OOOh great list! I had American Beauty on mine, but it had to be sacrificed. Also i too loved Where the Wild Things Are, though it left me with a huge amount of anxiety while i was watching it.
Also, the soundtrack for Donnie is AWESOME
I liked every movig on this list except Big Fish--I just couldn't get into it. Had a great ending though.
Love seeing LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE in your list ;)
Breakfast CLub was cool ... and the song performed by Simple Minds too >:)
Cold As Heaven
Great choices!
Little Miss Sunshine was so good.
I enjoyed Raiders and Star Wars too.
Have you also seen Sunshine Cleaning (same makers as LMS)? Great list!
I liked Little Miss Sunshine. Pretty funny movie. I can relate as I had a car once that I needed to push then jump in and pop the clutch to get it started.
Stephen Tremp
Wow, you may be my soulmate. Haha, seriously though I agree with you on pretty much everything. Oh, Donnie Darko. I forgot you as well. I really need to update my DVD collection :p
Needless to say I loved your list. Keep on being cool!
Great list; I love a lot of these!
Yes, Little Miss Sunshine is quite a ride! I need a movie marathon,now...
I want to view some old and now, new favs~
We'd make a great movie going team! I loved Big Fish and Donnie Darko, but many I know of heard of neither. Great selection!
okay, I love 10 of the 12 movies you posted and the 2 not on that list, I haven't seen. OMG! Awesome list!!
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