Friday night I was drifting off to sleep and my mind automatically turned to the book. For the better part of a year, every night as I fall asleep I think about the novel and where it's going, what the next scene is, characters, etc. On Friday night I suddenly realized I had nothing to think about, because the project was done! I changed tactics and started thinking about a little concept I'd stumbled across a couple of weeks ago, and suddenly a short story fell into my head. Whole, Complete. I'm going to write it this week. How cool is that?!
Hmmmm? What's it about? Oh! You know those shoes you see on the road sometimes? Just one random shoe, out in the middle of the highway? Yeah... it's about where those come from. Ha, weird, I know. But I think it'll be a fun little story to write.
Oh, and the South Carolina Writers' Conference opened their registration this weekend. Who's got two thumbs and is going to that conference in October?
No, not Captain Kirk... but that was a good guess, considering the misleading picture above. Although that WOULD be incredibly awesome... But anyway, the answer is ME! I'm going! Wahoo!
For Music Monday, I'd like to share the song "Can You Feel It?" by the Jackson 5... because that's how I'm rolling today. Give it a chance, it's a fantastic song, and it's pretty much how I feel right now...
Indescribable happiness here today. How about you?
Should be an interesting story.
I always think those lost shoes look sad and lonely.
Publish or Perish
I don't know that I can ever hear the word shiny without instantly seeing the cast of Firefly.
Wishing you the best.
I've been eyeing that conference for awhile. Maybe I can swing one day if all goes well.
I like that story idea, good for you.
And congratulations again on finishing up, that's a great feeling.
It's an odd feeling to think about one's story and realize it's done. Glad you're getting some new ideas though.
Wanted to let you know rhat there's an award for you on my Blog.Cheers! And grilled cheese ROCKS! But I'm sure it could get tiresome soon enough.
After so many years of working on a five book series, I know the feeling of viewing a buffet!
For me, ending a project is a moment of triumph followed by a season of sadness. I'm done. Those characters are gone...
Will check out the conference.
You are on cloud seven are you not? and why not? You have worked hard and now is about ro reap the rewards. One only gets out what one puts in is what I've been told.
Good luck.
Have a smashing day.
I wish I had some of your energy at the moment! (I know, I know, spending eleven hours at work on no more fuel than a ham sandwich probably isn't the way to acquire it :))
Your short story sounds intriguing! I love those new ideas that just pop into my head - enjoy them :)
Never heard that Jackson 5 song before. Enjoy the buffet. Steak as tough as shoe leather takes on a new meaning.
Tossing It Out
I'm glad to hear you're in such a wonderful writerly frame of mind. Cherish it.
When I'm writing a rough draft, it's like I'm possessed. And then I think about it a lot in the rewrites. Once I'm done it's a sigh of relief.
Yay! So nice to finish a project. And OMG, I love starting new ones! Such a great feeling.
I hadn't heard of this conference before. It looks like a terrific one. I'll have to keep it in mind, although there's another I'm looking to attend closer to home in October. But maybe, if I can work it out. Looks fantastic!
I wish I could go to the conference, but YAY for you - what an awesome treat for completing your MS. And I hope the short story pans out for you.
Good on you. And good luck and best wishes to you.
By the way, I've nominated you for a creative writer award! One was given to me and I would like to pass it on. Please go to my blog and follow the directions on the post:
to claim the award if you choose.
J.L. and Will, many thanks for the awards!
Carolina, PW Diane - if you need a partner, or if you'd like to maybe go as a group (for moral support, heh) to the con, just let me know.
Cassandra - me too! It's one of my favorite interjections right now...
Lee, glad to introduce you to a new song... hope you liked it!
Thanks so much for all the great comments, guys!
Yes, intriguing idea for a Sstory and I love grilled cheese ;-D
Enjoy this freeing moment~
Oh, ENJOY that feeling for a while! Short stories are a GREAT way to fill in the time! (maybe also read a couple highly recommended books in your genre, PLUS a couple you know failed on some front) so you go into your editing mode with 'what works/what doesn't' fresh in your head.
I also recommend WAITING to do that edit... until it isn't so personal... the distance is different for everybody--I need more than a month... ideally closer to three... Though having seen your shorts, I KNOW you know how to edit.
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