I wanted to share two awards I've been recently given by fellow blogarians. (Yeah, I know, "blogarians" is a word I made up, but it's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?) The first is the Quest Award, given to me by the Creative Chronicler at CC Chronicles. CC decided to recognize my quest to create a stable blog for my fans, along with my love for writing and dedication to getting published. Thank you so much, CC!
I'd like to pass this award on to the following bloggers:
Gail Gray at The Shaman Papers. Gail is a good friend of mine, and we're on the personal journey of writing novels together. I'd like to recognize her quest to get the word out about magical realism and speculative fiction, while continuing her writing career as a novelist, blogger, and all-around writing guru. You do a great job, Gail! Kudos!
Lola Sharp at Sharp Pen/Dull Sword. Lola's blog never fails to make me smile and/or think. She and I have very similar tastes and writing styles, and I always enjoy reading what she has to say. I'd like to recognize her quest to be a productive writer and family gal while working on her projects and braving technology she might not otherwise be using. Thanks for posting your life for us, Lola!
Alex J. Cavanaugh at Alex J. Cavanaugh. Alex is a great blogger, especially with movie reviews. I love reading his insights and opinions on new and old movies, especially when he focuses on science fiction. It seems Alex and I share a love for scifi, old and new, so I never miss a chance to read his great blog! I'd like to recognize Alex for his quest to educate people on movies (and sometimes books) they might not usually give a chance, and also getting the word out there about media which may not be readily available to all of us. Thanks for your hard work, Alex!

Lola says: "A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive...keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content." Wow! Thanks for the recognition, Lola... like you, not sure about that whole "intellectually productive" thing, but I appreciate the strokes and will pass it on!
I've found a lot of prolific bloggers over the past few weeks in my journeys through the blog-o-sphere, and I'd like to recognize these three steadfast writers with this award:
SarahJayne Smith at Writing in the Wilderness
Talli Roland at Talli Roland
Karen G at Coming Down the Mountain
These ladies post almost every day, and every post they write is insightful and entertaining! Thanks for your dedication to getting your words out there for us to read, my friends!
That's all for this week. Adventures abound this weekend; I'm sure you'll hear about them in my next few entries. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
Thanks so much for the kind words. I just know too much about movies.
And that is one wicked award!
Yay! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. :)
Happy weekend!
Congrats on your awards and thank you for mine. Both are very cool. :)
Thank you for those very kind words. I love to get awards. I like the attention. I think I've gotten the prolific blogger one the most. In real life I'm quiet and laid back, in writing/blogging I never shut up. Interesting how that works.
Congrats to you and the recipients!
Stop by when I get a chance - I've got an award for you, too!
Aww Becky, Thank you. :o)
And--CONGRATS!!! on your awards!
Happy Weekend,
Congratulations on your awards. Well deserved.
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