First - the Circle of Friends award, given to me by Helen Ginger.
I'm honored and so pleased that such a prolific blogger extended this award to me! As Helen says, "There are no rules about telling things about yourself or writing a piece of flash fiction using certain words or starting a chain recipe letter. You simply choose five blogs that you visit and enjoy and pass the award on to them."
Here are the five blogs I've chosen for my Circle of Friends award: Gail Gray, Jen Knox, Arlee Bird, Tamika, and Alex J. Cavanaugh. There's a lot of variety here - from magical realism to movie reviews - so go show these guys some love! Blogger friends, if you've been given this award before, I apologize if it's a repeat - just know that I appreciate you and your comments so much, and am so glad to have you as "blogfriends"!
The second award I was given came to me from Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out. It's the Prolific Blogger Award!

Thanks so much, Lee, for giving me this award. I've only been doing this for a few weeks, so for someone to label me as "prolific" really makes me feel good. I have no access to the internet at my home, so it's difficult to be prolific when you're at the mercy of wifi hotspots or the intermittent connection at work. I've been trying to post every other day (every day if I can), though, and it's great that my hard work has been noticed.
In the spirit of recognizing writers who're dedicated to posting regularly for all us bloggerfans to read, I'd like to pass this award on to a few folks I've found in the past weeks:
Gail Gray at The Shaman Papers - I know I just gave Gail the Circle of Friends award, but she also deserves this one. A dedicated writer, mom, friend, grandmother, editor, artist, and all-around inspiration, Gail is a writer who's just had her first novel, Shaman Circus, published recently. Her blogs are a mix of technical information as well as observations on her artist's journey, and always a good read.
Watery Tart at Confessions of a Watery Tart - WT updates her blog just about every day, and it's always a fun read. Whether she's talking about working on her current novel, the significance of llamas in the world, or rampant nudity, she has a great voice and hangs it all out there for everyone to read (pun most certainly intended). Wonderful read!
Megan Bostic at The Angsty Writer - Megan posts a lot about her family and her home life, along with notes about her journey as a writer. Her posts are always fun to read and she posts just about every day. She's been posting lately about life with two middle school girls, and the last few entries I've read have had me rolling.
Check these blogs out, guys! They're well worth your time.
Thanks again to Helen and Lee for passing these on to me! I love how much support everyone gives each other out here. It's so encouraging!
Thanks so much! I'm glad that you've joined this writing community. I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for you!
B. thank you SO MUCH for the award! I can't believe I haven't meandered over here sooner--I try to be better about that! I will have to have a browse. I very much appreciate the award and nice things you said about my blog!@
Thanks so much! And congratulations on two awards.
I'm honored! I'd like to thank God, my mom, all my homies back home in the C-bus...
:) thanks ~ Jen
Thanks. B. Appreciate it and glad to have you laughing. :)
Congrats on your awards!
You guys are so welcome! Thanks for your great blogs. I feel privileged to have you guys as "blogfriends"!
And Lola... thanks! I love your blog. I'm old school too! Yay!! :)
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