When you've studied your brains out, and you wake up with butterflies on exam day?
Painted a whole bedroom and have come down to just the trim?
Climbed the sand dune between you and the ocean, ignoring your protesting muscles and joints, and have nearly reached the summit - so close you can taste salt on your lips and the sound of the surf is thundering in your ears?
Dirt (the WIP) has reached its 395th page, and nearly 115,000 words...
...the monster has been revealed, evil momentarily has the upper hand, murder's been committed, kisses have been stolen, the storm has come and gone and left a wet, ominous silence punctuated only by the occasional rumble of distant thunder out past the horizon...
...the hero has gone off to slay the proverbial dragon, and we don't know yet whether he'll live or die...
...we're nearly there now, kids. Hang on now; this last part might get bumpy.
Congratulations on the amazing progress and good luck with the last round of wordiness!
- Sophia.
Congratulations. You must be feeling so good right now. Wishing you the best of luck with the home stretch.
Congratulations, for getting this far.
All the best for completing the race.
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, you can do it, you're almost there. I can see it, those big bold words -- The End. I'm pulling for you.
Soooo enticing. Now you've just got to cross the finish line and bust through the ribbon so we can all read this great story some day soon!
What an exciting moment! Write on!! Best of luck with it :)
Now put Queen "We Are the Champoins" on and cross that line!
Ok, I'm excited for you. Now, you've peeked my interest and I can't wait until the day I can read the story!
Congratulations to you. Keep running through that ribbon at the finish line!
YES, I know how all those things feel! Good luck and have fun getting to that finish line! :)
Woot! That's awesome, B. Sending you good "finish-the-damn-thing" vibes.
*straps on running shoes, gears up MP3 player, grabs water bottle*
THANKS, guys! Y'all are awesome cheerleaders!! :D
Woo Hoo! Congrats!
And i love me some long road trips.
They say the last mile is the longest and you have shown how true this is. well done an excellent read.
You gave me chills! Especially the storm that has just passed, leaving only the distant thunder. It's SO EXCITING to be so close! I am putting the cyber champagne on ice for the celebration that is coming soon!
*So* nearly there! Congrats and keep going :)
Keep going! Victory is in sight.
Congrats on almost finishing! What an accomplishment!
Thank you so much guys! I wrote over 4000 words this morning and am within 10-15 pages of finishing! WHOOO!! Don't worry, you'll know when it's done...
...at this rate, most of the frickin free world will know, 'cause of the celebrations going on... LOL!!!
You're at the best part! Congrats - that's an awesome feeling :)
Incredible feeling; I can only imagine! The sweat n' tears are paying off! Getting across the finish line, now that it is insight, will inspire you to motor through!
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Almost there...keep your eye on the goal.
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