This statement applies to many things in my life right now.
Sadly, one of them is not the WIP. However, I'm really proud of the progress I made in the month of May. I've reached 391 pages and 113,000 words, which is farther than I ever expected to go with this scary little story. Since I worked Freedom Weekend Aloft this weekend, I get a couple days off this week (today and tomorrow) and I truly hope to be able to finish it then.
Other things which ARE finished are:
- The month of May
- Spring in the South (Helloooooo, Summer!)
- Freedom Weekend Aloft (thank God!)
Hmmm... what else is finished... OH YEAH!! The Pay it Forward Giveaway! I'm announcing the winner today! In fact... I'm announcing the winner right now!
Before I tell you who won (yeah, making ya wait... I know you hate me), I'd really like to say THANK YOU to everyone who responded to this contest. When all the entries were tallied up, I had over 400 entries from bloggers who tweeted, facebooked, blogged, and used various other means to spread the word about paying it forward. Some bloggers even went on to start their own contests on their own blogs, either using my format or making up one of their own entirely from scratch.
I'm overwhelmed by the response. And so excited to share this wonderful idea with you guys. The blogging community has really buoyed my spirits over the last month. I know I haven't posted every day, but I have been reading and commenting as much as I can, and listening to everything you guys have to say. Thank you so much.
And now... without further ado (there has been far too much ado already, thanks)... the winner of the Pay it Forward Giveaway is...
Karen G of Coming Down the Mountain!
Congratulations, Karen!! Let me know if you prefer me to purchase one of your books (I see that you have two for sale on your website) or if you'd prefer the gift card. Also, be sure to let Curt and Shane from Mooks in the Movies know how you'd like your name to be used in their next script!
Also, I surpassed 125 followers, so I added a MYSTERY PRIZE to the pot! The winner of the mystery prize is...
Hart Johnson, the Watery Tart!
Congrats, Hart! The mystery prize is...
I hope you guys had as much fun with the Pay it Forward Giveaway as I did. I plan on doing another contest in the next few months, and as soon as I have the details figured out, I'll let you know. In the meantime, please don't stop doing little kindnesses for your fellow humans, just because the giveaway is over (for now). Each of us can make the world a little better for someone else. One of these days, the avalanche is gonna kick in.
Have a fantastic Tuesday and let's do everything we can with June! Who's with me?!
Of course if you head further south still we are heading into winter not summer :-)
Congrats to the winners. well deserved.
Congrats guys!!!! Karen sure deserves it! :)
And two wonderful people have won the prizes.
Congrats to the winners! Great contest!
Yay! Congrats!!!
Wow! I just barely turned on my computer to post the winner on my end and thought I'd pop over here to see who won yours.
My eyes popped out of my head! (Don't ever write that in a ms btw lol!)
So yes I'd love to have you purchase one of my books and all the rest of that cool stuff!
Thank you B. Miller!!
Totally awesome contest! Thanks for sharing it with the blogging world. We can all use a little bit of goodness paid forward.
And congrats to the winners!
Good stuff, Karen and Hart! Awesome ladies.
Congratulations you both! Well deserved :)
WAHOO!!!! I'm THRILLED! I'm looking forward to both magazine and CD!
And I just want to say how TOTALLY impressed I am with how you began, and then handled and followed through this Pay It Forward business--you've actually affected some of my decisions this month. I'm not actually rotten anyway, but I needed the nudge to be more mindful--so you've made a difference! I'll email my address...
Congrats to the winners! What a lovely contest idea that was, good lady. I hope you don't mind me borrowing it sometime. I may just do that. You get full credit, of course. :)
May your June be wondrously productive!
Congrats to the winners!
I'm still tallying the entries for my contest - will post the winner tomorrow morning.
Diane - can't wait to see who won!
Simon - you're more than welcome to use it! Please feel free. And thanks!
Karen and Hart - congrats again!
Thanks for the comments, everybody! :)
Congrats to Karen & Hart! Lucky!
Congrats to you as well B for hosting such a great contest and spawning such great moments around the boggyverse. Well done! :)
Thanks Jemi!! :D
Congrats winners, very exciting!!!
Congrats to the winners.
PPC Advertising India
Yay for Karen! Congratulations to the winners.
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